Wednesday, April 4, 2012


There are people, with who I share my morning thoughts, together compiled and called "Morning Muses"! Most of my mornings, are filled with a million thoughts running around in my head, some I choose to ignore, some I pen are some that I had decided to pen down...hope you enjoy them....

1. While some things break many of our precious hopes, it reminds us that we must cherish the "now" time coz we might never know when the last moments comes by! :)

2. We may not realize with the fast pace of life that the more things change --- the more they are just the same! :)

3. The greatest & worst time of life ironically is the same. Coz it’s the time when you come face to face with the reality, leaving behind yo impossible dreams! :|

4. The opposite of Love is NOT Hate! Hate is only Love --- gone bitter!

5. Life is both funny & extreme. Once you are very close to a person, life is ought to take you too far from them one day. Avoid the hurt - avoid getting close to anyone!

6. the things that naked eyes cannot see,
Are the most amazing things that can ever be,
So feel them with a pure heart whenever you can,
Coz only these amazing things can set your soul free.... -- Poetic Soul's morning muse

PS: Poetic Soul is my Pen Name

7. When surrounded by unlimited chaos, you can hear the thots in my head loud & clear! :)

8. When you know things at yo end aren’t going okay, it’s better to keep yo mind and mouth shut, anything can backfire, and that can be really ugly!!!

9. Ideally none of us know anything about life or what’s in store next, so it’s better to shut up and jus go with the flow... ♥ :)

10. Till the time you shall not accept who you are, no one else will!

11. Friendship only builds on TRUST which usually RUSTS due to lack of love, care or communication... so u know... ;)

12. Never be too busy to mirror your heart's desire. Be empowered to connect to those who love -- trust & need you...

13. Lil things matter the most- when they can touch a heart than the extravagant ones that are only superficial!

14. Experience speaks volumes, thus mark Poetic Soul's words ----
Never LEAVE:
- Relations half dead
- Books half read

15. The first step to resolve all conflicts is acceptance!!

.......more to come soon!! :)


  1. The opposite of Love is NOT Hate! Hate is only Love --- gone bitter!
    Aw!This one is so true. This entire post is very thoughtful and poignant. Had my heart.
    Beautifully done.

  2. When you know things at yo end aren’t going okay, it’s better to keep yo mind and mouth shut, anything can backfire, and that can be really ugly!!!

    Best One :) and so true

    Keeping mouth shut is easy but the mind just doesn't stop thinking. Life is weird, happiness walks in from a grand door and before it actually enters, it sneaks out from some hole somewhere and leaves you in a situation never before where you feel helpless.

  3. When you know things at yo end aren’t going okay, it’s better to keep yo mind and mouth shut, anything can backfire, and that can be really ugly!!!

    Best One :) and so true

    Keeping mouth shut is easy but the mind just doesn't stop thinking. Life is weird, happiness walks in from a grand door and before it actually enters, it sneaks out from some hole somewhere and leaves you in a situation never before where you feel helpless.

    1. thanks a ton Astha :)
      i know its very tough to keep the mind shut... in distress we tend to overthink...and usually that makes things more terrible...
